
Get Dressed Easily

At Red Violet Clothing we believe that all women deserve to feel confident and beautiful; getting dressed each morning should be an easy and empowering experience.
Beauty is independent of age or size.

We cleverly repeat design elements in each collection so once you've discovered a look you love, you'll know subsequent purchases will fit well and look amazing on you too.

Expect compliments, not comparisons.

Stand Apart

Custom designed prints that cannot be found anywhere else are our signature, ensuring clothing is distinctive and exclusive.

Production runs are very small. This is slow, exclusive fashion.

Prepare to be seen!

Cost Per Wear

Sitting outside of 'trends', Red Violet garments are intended to be worn season after season, creating a cost per wear approach and reducing fashion waste.

These garments will quickly become your wardrobe favourites.

Proudly Australian

Garments are designed, printed and made here in Australia.

Our small business supports other Australian small businesses.

Michelle Gilks - Founder and Creative Director

" As a visual artist and passionate creator, my journey is fueled by the deep-seated desire to bring beauty into the world. There's an unparalleled joy in transforming a blank canvas into a work of art, and that same need to express extends to every aspect of my life, including the clothes I wear.

Upon reaching my 40’s (and now 50’s), I encountered a shared frustration among women like myself – the struggle to find clothing that truly resonates. It became apparent that many of us felt overlooked by the fashion industry, with limited options that failed to capture our essence and individuality.

Through conversations with many women, I realised that our experiences were not isolated but shared. It was evident that fashion was missing the mark, neglecting a significant portion of the population yearning for styles that embrace our changing needs and celebrate individuality.

Fueled by my passion for unique design, I embarked on a journey to redefine the fashion landscape. The discovery of crafting repeat patterns for fabric ignited a fire within me, propelling me to create Red Violet Clothing. Here, it's more than just about clothing; it's about creating a community—a sanctuary for women who, like me, seek garments that effortlessly blend uniqueness with comfort.

At Red Violet Clothing, we strive to make getting dressed a joyful experience, empowering you to embrace your authenticity and feel uplifted with every wear. Join us on this journey, where art, style and wearability intersect, and together, let's redefine the way we dress and celebrate the beauty of every stage of life.

Let’s Stand Apart! "